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Americool Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Three Reasons to Go Ductless

Ductless systems–you’ve heard a lot about them but only from friends and advertisements. Can you really trust what the media is saying about these new systems? Especially with how reliable your old air conditioner or furnace might be.

To be honest, the hype is real but not for the reasons you think. Ductless heat pumps are powerful and efficient, being the perfect choice for a lot of homes in our area. If you’re trying to figure out whether a ductless mini split in Richland, WA is perfect for you, then you’re in the right place. We’re going to go over 3 very specific reasons why a ductless system might beat out any other unit, from heat pumps to conventional HVAC units.

Just make sure that when you’re ready, you choose our team for your professional installation to ensure you start off on the right foot.

Versatility and Convenience

Ductless mini splits are exceptionally versatile. When your conventional heating or cooling system breaks down, for instance, you’re stuck trying to find a professional to have it fixed. This is normal but doesn’t have to be the way things get done in the future.

Ductless mini splits rely on up to four air handlers that keep things running smoothly, even if one of them malfunctions. They also don’t rely on air ducts so you don’t need to worry about duct cleaning, duct repair, or even duct installation if your home is smaller and unconventional.

Did we also mention that each ductless mini split can be set to its own temperature? This means that your home can enjoy different temperatures in different rooms, depending on your preferences!


Since ductless mini split systems don’t rely on air ducts, they’re more easily able to send conditioned or heated air into a room without it leaking out. Even just a tiny percentage of an improvement from ducted HVAC systems means huge long-term savings.

Do yourself a favor and check the efficiency ratings of a ductless heat pump. You’ll quickly see that for a minimal amount of energy, you’ll get an intense amount of air conditioning or heating throughout the entire year.

Also, ductless mini splits are a type of heat pump, which is important for the sake of efficiency. Heat pumps don’t create heat during the winter, they move heat from one location to another. This process, on average, is about 300% more efficient than a furnace or boiler creating heat by burning fuel or electricity. Moving the heat that already exists in the atmosphere is a simple and easy process for the unit to do.

Two Systems in One

Did you know that a ductless heat pump can function as both a heating system and an air conditioner? We alluded to it earlier, but it’s one of the central aspects of the system and why customers purchase it in the first place. If you’re in the market for both units, or if they’re both reaching the age of replacement, then you might be better off choosing a superior system like a ductless mini splits.

Schedule a comfort consultation with Americool Heating & Air Conditioning, where your comfort is our business.

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