Americool Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Kennewick’

5 Signs Your Heat Pump Is Nearing the End

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Your heat pump plays a big role in keeping your home comfortable all year long. It heats in the winter and cools in the summer using clean, eco-friendly electricity. But like any piece of equipment, it has a lifespan.

Knowing when to consider heat pump replacement in Kennewick, WA, can save you from unexpected issues. Here are five signs that your heat pump might be nearing the end of its life.

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A New Homeowner’s Guide to Heat Pumps

Monday, December 18th, 2023

Heat pumps can be a little intimidating to people who aren’t familiar with heating systems in general. The most vulnerable group that can be affected by this is new homeowners, since they’re usually thrust into a real estate economy that’s volatile and filled with many expensive mistakes. Even just considering a heat pump can feel like a huge deviation that could be both expensive and scary.

Well, we’re here to quell those fears and turn even the most novice new homeowner into a heat pump expert! Feel free to open up a notepad app or pull out the classic pen and paper as we talk to you about why a heat pump installation in Kennewick, WA is actually a great choice for a number of different reasons.

If you’re in this property purchase for the long haul, then you might be in a position to benefit the most from a heat pump set up, and we’ll talk about why.

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Why Leaky Ducts Are a Big Problem

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Air ducts are essential if you’ve got a centralized heating or cooling system. If you’re warm and cozy in your home currently, it’s likely due to an extensive network of air ducts that run in your floors, ceilings, walls, and even through your basement or attic. These ducts simply transport heated air from one place to another, which is how you can have a large home with one heating system at a central location.

However, as you probably guessed, those ducts can run into some issues that cause people great discomfort. Perhaps you’ve got a single room in your home that’s always cold. Or maybe you’re starting to see a huge increase in your heating bills that seems “off” from the usual amount they are. These can all be signs that your heating system isn’t working at its full potential, and that you need duct services in Kennewick, WA.

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5 Levels of Indoor Air Quality

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Your air quality is important, and it’s up to you and a trained professional to figure out ways to make it clean and breathable. If you’ve ever heard the term “stuffy,” then you’re probably aware of what stale indoor air feels like. It could be contaminated with dust, pet dander, or even mold, and our noses are sensitive enough to pick up on that. However, treating the problem can be complex without a high-tech system that’s designed for this work.

Our team works with brand-name indoor air quality devices that are proven to work. From UV air purifiers that treat biological contaminants in your air, to air filters that can weed out allergens and dust, we have a serious track record for improving the air quality of a home.

Start by reading this blog and learning about the 5 levels of indoor air quality. Then, once you’ve pinpointed that there’s a problem, give our team a call for indoor air quality services in Kennewick, WA.

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How High-Efficiency Furnaces Work

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Whether you’re a new homeowner or someone who has raised their whole family in the same place over the years, you’ve probably learned a thing or two about your furnace. An HVAC technician might have told you that it has a “high efficiency,” or someone might have said it’s a “good model,” but what does this mean? How does the efficiency of your furnace impact you or how the system works overall?

If you’re curious, we’re going to break down the efficiency of a furnace and how high-efficiency systems operate differently from older models that don’t work as tightly. If you’re the proud owner of a high-efficiency furnace, then perhaps this blog post will enlighten you to the approximate amount of gas and money you’re saving on a regular basis.

And, if by chance you’re the owner of an older, less efficient furnace, then maybe this can be your wakeup call to schedule a furnace installation in Kennewick, WA.

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Your Thermostat Might Need an Upgrade

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Thermostats are the familiar devices we use on a regular basis to keep our heating or cooling systems working as intended. Based on sheer weight and energy usage, they seem to be a much more minor part of our HVAC system when compared to the heating or cooling unit that really matters, right?

Well, not exactly. While these components might be small, they sure are mighty! This blog post is going to examine a few new ways to look at your thermostat in Kennewick, WA, and why an upgrade might be an important next step. Thermostats are like the brains of your HVAC system, making complex decisions and calculating your energy or fuel usage while keeping your home comfortable at the same time.

The more you can ease the burden on this system, the more likely you’ll be to save money in the future. Just make sure you call our team for any necessary thermostat upgrades, adjustments, or repairs you might need before something gets broken or shut down accidentally.

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What’s Better: Forced-Air or Radiant Heating?

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

People purchase products for different reasons. Some people just want to save as much money as possible, others want the best product on the market, and a few are really trying to measure that they get the thing they want the most. These are all valid reasons and we’d argue that everyone has a little bit of each type of customer in them.

However, when it comes to a forced-air heating system or a radiant heater, we’re talking about two totally different machines that heat your home in very different ways. Sure, a furnace or a heat pump has its pros by using electricity or natural gas to heat the air in your home, but a radiant heating system will actually radiate heat through the walls of your house and cause for you to stay warm in a totally different way.

Today, we’re going to put these systems to the test and finally answer the age-old question–which is better, forced-air heating or a radiant heater like a boiler in Kennewick, WA?

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Why Go Ductless?

Monday, September 25th, 2023

You’ve probably had a few friends or neighbors talk about their new ductless heat pumps. They sound innovative and cool, but there has to be a catch right? Maybe they don’t work as well as people think, or they’re so expensive that regular people on a budget can’t afford them.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, as it always is. Regular people can afford ductless heat pumps, even though they are more expensive than most conventional heating or cooling systems. And they absolutely work as well as people say they do, but efficiency and maintenance has a lot to do with it.

Let’s go on a journey today where we talk about the pros and cons of ductless heat pumps. We’ll discuss why a ductless mini split in Kennewick, WA is a good idea for many of our customers, and how you can start the process of installing one of your own.

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5 AC Sounds That Are Never Good

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Air conditioners can make noises just like any other machine. For instance, the sound of air whooshing through your vents to reach the rooms of your home is pretty normal. Honestly, we’d be concerned if your air conditioner didn’t make this kind of noise. But there are sounds that an AC shouldn’t make, and these can often be clues toward a larger problem that needs to be taken care of.

AC repair in Kennewick, WA can be tough from a homeowner’s perspective. You want to notice any problems, but you don’t have an HVAC technician license, so how are you supposed to detect issues so you can call for help?

Noises are some of the easiest and most obvious ways that even someone paying little attention to their air conditioner could detect. We’re going to cover 5 basic noises that can be bad for your AC in a major way.

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AC Tips: Fixing a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Refrigerant leaks happen all the time due to the sheer number of air conditioners that rely on them. In fact, without refrigerant and the compressor that cycles through it, your air conditioner would be just one large oversized fan!

Air conditioners that leak refrigerant often run into some serious problems that can usually be avoided with professional repairs. The tricky part is when homeowners need help realizing or discovering that their air conditioner is leaking refrigerant. This is what we aim to help you with today.

If you suspect your system of leaking refrigerant, then we urge you to consider calling our team for air conditioner repair in Kennewick, WA. We’ll quickly and effectively alleviate the problem if there is one. But if you’re not sure about the state of your AC and whether it’s actually leaking refrigerant, then keep reading. We’ll give you some of the most notorious signs of a leaking AC system.

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