Americool Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioner Repair’

AC Tips: Fixing a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Refrigerant leaks happen all the time due to the sheer number of air conditioners that rely on them. In fact, without refrigerant and the compressor that cycles through it, your air conditioner would be just one large oversized fan!

Air conditioners that leak refrigerant often run into some serious problems that can usually be avoided with professional repairs. The tricky part is when homeowners need help realizing or discovering that their air conditioner is leaking refrigerant. This is what we aim to help you with today.

If you suspect your system of leaking refrigerant, then we urge you to consider calling our team for air conditioner repair in Kennewick, WA. We’ll quickly and effectively alleviate the problem if there is one. But if you’re not sure about the state of your AC and whether it’s actually leaking refrigerant, then keep reading. We’ll give you some of the most notorious signs of a leaking AC system.

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